Select Speeches
Keynote: Presidential Awards for Mathematics and Science Teaching
State Department, Benjamin Franklin Dining Room, Washington, DC
June 10, 1999
Given on behalf of the National Science Foundation for the 1998 Presidential Awardees for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
Reminisces of Carl Sagan
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City
February 27, 1997
Eulogy for Carl Sagan delivered during a memorial service entitled “A Celebration of Carl Sagan’s Life.”
Dedication of the Center for Space Education
Kennedy Space Center, Florida
July 15, 1994
Keynote Address for the dedication of the Center for Space Education.
Ph.D. Convocation Address
St. Paul’s Chapel, Columbia University, New York City
May 14, 1991
A short address to my fellow matriculating graduate students at Columbia University.